Tuesday, June 21, 2011

NBC Omits God From The Pledge

In case you missed the shocking video in which NBC omits "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance twice, you can watch it below. You be the judge. Did NBC commit a blatant act of religious bigotry. Our thanks to the folks at AFA for compiling the montage.

Register your comments below and don't forget to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and other blogs and websites.


  1. The fact that the Pledge was repeated identically edited clearly shows malice and rejection of key principles contained in the Pledge. Those responsible must be terminated.

  2. NBC's agenda has been anti-God as is shown here for as long as I can remember. This kind of act just clarifies them even more as an agenda-driven, joke of a news organization. I don't understand why are these reporters and commercial makers given orders by an anti-American activist at the top, or are they all just indoctrinated to actually think this way. Liberalism/activism is the most serious disease that America faces.

  3. Watch NBC. Make note of all their sponsors. Contact those sponsors and tell that that you're no longer buying their product, doing business with or will refer anyone to any of their products. Hit them where it hurts; in the wallet. NBC: Network Broadcasting Communism.

  4. I am not certain why this issue is such a big deal. The phrase "under God", is not in the Constitution, and was only added to the Pledge in the 1950's.

    Religion is a matter best left to individuals, their families, and their churches, and kept as free as possible of any federal, state, local government, or corporate interference.

    I just don't see how any conservative could, or would support a federal government required pledge to God.

    I would point out such a move is not original. We had the same thing happen in Rome, which is in fact how many of our ancestors ended up in America fleeing religious persecution in the first place.

  5. NBC chose to eliminate the phrases "In God we trust" and "Indivisible" so immediately I have chosen to eliminate NBC from my watched stations, permanently.
    NBC as you sow , so shall ye reap.

  6. It was a mistake on NBC's part. They edited it out on purpose. Most of the nations broadcasters are not giving Americans all the facts but rather their own view of how they want us to believe. They only respond to money, and politics. Let the sponsors know we are not buying.

  7. As Ronald Reagan once said, "If we ever forget we're one nation under God, we will be a nation gone under."

  8. I would not watch NBC as the programing even by U.S. standards is to say the least not only poor but very biased.

  9. I was one of those that were offended by the nbc
    omission. Now I promise to NEVER watch nbc or buy from their sponsors. It's not too hard to
    find out who sponsors nbs!

  10. Great quote Dr. Richard!

  11. Well, according to the clip, they did apologize later, and there is a long gap where the words are left out. Would like to know - from them - why they chose to do that before making any general judgement about it.

  12. Leaving out "One nation under God" was not meant of offend anyone? Who is that nut cake kidding?

    America we've been asleep too long, we Christian have to rise up and demand that this country remember that we are indeed a Christian nation founded on Judao-Christian beliefs. The Ten Commandants were what our laws are based on. And the nonsense of "Seperation of Church and State" was totally preverted by a left wing Supreme Court back in the 1960s and we Christians didn't fight back and we should have.
    And if we don't fight back we will be just what that creep in our White House said, that this is not a Christian nation, BUT IT IS AND WE'D BETTER LET THE REST OF AMERICA KNOW IT!!!

  13. I agree with Steve at the top of this forum, NBC has been anti God for a long time. I stopped watching them a long time ago!

  14. All Christians should boycott NBC enough said, hurt them in their pocket

  15. Boycott NBC...No wonder NBC's ratings are so low and now they will be even lower if possible.Write and E mail NBC's sponsors to voice you opinions about NBC and about boycotting their products.

  16. I don't believe that this omission was a mistake, and a flippant apology will not erase it from my mind. Patriotic citizens throughout America must take a stand on this and similar issues as they occur.

  17. All of the so called mainstream media is biased and extremely liberal. This editing out of "Under God" from the Pledge is just another indication of how anti-Christian much of our culture has become. I pledge to only watch Fox News and to boycott all sponsors of NBC forever!

  18. We sure should have a man like Ronald Reagan in the White House today. The "trash" thats there now...is putting this Great Nation...down the tube...!!! God Bless and Help America be Great again....!!!

  19. Some government school educated idiot here wrote: "I just don't see how any conservative could, or would support a federal government required pledge to God."

    There is no pledge to God in the Pledge. The pledge words merely acknowledge we are a 'nation under God'- which means we are in existence due to His ultimate rule and blessings. Its a reminder our freedoms come from God - NOT governments!

  20. "It's a reminder our freedoms come from God - NOT governments!"

    Well said!


  22. NBC was going to take a hit either way. I am saddened that by choosing a patriotic theme, they ended up needing to make a choice. They chose to take the grief from those of faith. I am not surprised.

  23. How bout we omit NBC and it affiliates?

  24. I will not watch NBC because it slants things to their liberal views. The liberals are ruining this country. Also, who do you think you are, taking a Holy God out of our pledge? He is your creator, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche