Friday, May 27, 2011

Obama’s Ineligibility: We Know

By Lawrence Sellin

To our political elite and the main stream media (MSM): can we stop playing pretend and start being honest?

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. Anyone with half-a-brain can see thru this so-called American President...!!! His totally hidden past life needs to be exposed (thru the courts if needed) or....RESIGN...!! He has lied long enough...he is a FRAUD...!! If he wasn't lying he'd reveal ALL of his past records...which so far he has spent over 2 million dollars to hide. Where are the Passport Applications...School records..Employment Records...and Social Security Number Records...?? They are in Kenya...!! WAKE UP America...Send this FRAUD packing...!! Either to home Kenya...or to prison....!!!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche