Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sharpton To Meet With FCC In Effort To Censor Limbaugh

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  1. Does this mean that Sharpton has to shut up his stupid remarks also....

  2. So let me get this straight: is saying the word "reparations" now a racial slur??? Or is the suggestion considered a racial slur? The FCC is going to have their hands full policing these so-called standards...

  3. Who really pays attention to this moron?Nothing but a race pimp.

  4. Rush needs to go after this nut for repeatedly calling him "Rush lumbar". Let's give 'em the old "Lumbar Support"!

  5. As laughable as race-baiter, Tawana Brawley supporter Al is, we must take threats to free speech like his very, very seriously. Look at what has been lost or threatened in the past 18 months of a leftist/socialist/marxist president and Congress. Folks, they WILL take away your freedom of speech, and other freedoms, if they can.

  6. The pathetic Reverend needs to practice what he preaches. By the way, the airwaves are not exempt from the Constitutional right to free speech. If Rush is censured then NPR should certainly be treated with the same disdain.

  7. I am much more offended by these two bozo's! There was NOTHING said in the clip that could even be remotely thought of as racist!...unless you're a desperate NUTJOB!! Sharpton acts as if a majority of poor people in this country are of color! Maybe someone should inform him, since he is so hellbent on "racism" and "labeling" people by color, that white people living below the poverty level in this country OUTNUMBER blacks 4:1!! But, don't take my word for it...look it up yourself!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche