Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Palin: I Will Not Waste My Time With Katie Couric


  1. Sarah isn't the only one. Less and less people are wasting their time with the Katie Courics and her ilk in the lame stream media. The American public has awakened to the spin and twisting done by news people who have an agenda. Their sinking ratings prove we are not stupid and our tolerance for letting things slide is now gone. The message to Katie and other "news" broadcasters is we're wise to you and your leftist agenda. Your days of glory and influence are over.

  2. How can the leftists say this woman is stupid? She makes perfect sense with her complete sentences than Obama, Pelosi, or anyone else in their gang! I personally believe the left is intimidated and afraid of Sarah Palin and that's why they so blindly hate her.

  3. Too bad Sarah can't answer any hard questions. She's an opportunist and is making millions. Anyone with half of a brain can see that she doesn't represent true conservatives. BTW, who's caring for her special needs infant while she runs around the country?

  4. Lets face it, she will find any excuse not to be interviewed by anyone but fox news. They wont ever ask her the hard "gotcha" questions like "what magazines do you read?"

  5. Sarah is doing well. I say "Good for her". She is exactly what an American is all about. She represent a ray of hope for the America I still remember. She is exactly the person I like to see in everyone offices in America. I hope she gets in whatever the office she runs for and clean up the political houses like she did when she was the Governor of Alaska, unyielding to any pressure either Republican or Democrat.

  6. Well said Chin, I too agree with your comments and would add that Sarah Palin had the courage of her convictions when she up and resigned her office of Governor in Alaska rather than stomach any more of the old boys corrupt ways of doing business. I say she proved the strength of her character like no other on the political scene in recent years. We need more like her to help put an end to the corruption running amok in politics today.

  7. I agree with Sarah that Katie would be a waste of her time. She has already proved she would put her 'spin' on anything Sarah said! Yes, they are scared to death of her. Democrats don't do anything but tear people apart, they think if they say she is dumb people will believe them. I for one don't think she is dumb, she is smart enough to be making money at the same time she is getting people to listen to her. Her biggest mistake was backing Joe Miller, a proven liar. She let personal feelings guide her on that instead of her using her brain.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche