Saturday, August 2, 2014

Rush Limbaugh: Why Is Obama Bringing Ebola To The U.S.?

The liberal echo chamber says it's compassion, but could there be another reason why Barack Obama is bringing two Americans who are infected with Ebola back to the United States? Rush Limbaugh had a few things to say in response to that question.

(WND) According to CNN, two Americans infected with the deadly and highly contagious Ebola virus are being flown from Liberia to the U.S. for treatment at Emory University.

Rush Limbaugh questions the wisdom of that decision, for reasons that have as much to do with politics as with public health.

"I can’t think of a reason why anyone would want to bring anyone suffering from [Ebola] into this country," Limbaugh said to his listeners Friday afternoon.

"Now, I understand compassion," he went on. "And they’re Americans, and so forth. [But] is that why you think the president decided to do it?"

Limbaugh doesn’t believe the Obama administration is motivated by "compassion" in this case.

One of Limbaugh’s staffers offered a suggestion through the host’s earpiece.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche