Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Real Scoop On The Bergdahl-Taliban Prison Swap Deal

Thomas Sowell writes: "The key to this deal, however, is less likely to be what the United States got out of the deal than it is about what Barack Obama got out of the deal. If nothing else, it instantly got the veterans’ hospitals scandals off the front pages of newspapers and pushed these scandals aside on television news programs.".

"It was a clear winner for Barack Obama. And that may be all that matters to Barack Obama."

"People who are questioning the president’s competence seem not to want to believe that any President of the United States would knowingly damage this country’s interests."

"One of the problems of many fundamentally decent people is that they find it hard to understand people who are not fundamentally decent, or whose moral compass points in a different direction from theirs."

Read The Full Story
Posted By: Chris Carmouche