Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Four ObamaCare Shoes That Are About To Drop

If you think that ObamaCare is bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet. Our friends at the Western Center for Journalism outline the next four ObamaCare disasters that are about to hit.

(Western Journalism) On Friday, the president used the long-awaited resignation of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to again claim victory for his namesake health law. “She got it fixed, got the job done,” Obama said. Right.

Sorry, there is plenty of more bad news ahead. It’s not called SebeliusCare, and she wasn’t to blame for most of its problems. The horrors were mostly baked into the law, with some made worse by the president’s dishonest hard sell to get unsuspecting Americans to sign up.

1) Premium Defaults: Obama claimed Friday that 7.5 million people have enrolled in exchange coverage. In fact, perhaps 20 percent haven’t paid their first premium and therefore aren’t covered, according to estimates by RAND Corp. and Goldman Sachs.

The bigger question is: how many will keep paying premiums? That’s got the American Medical Association, a chief ObamaCare booster, so worried that it’s sending warnings to its members.

Why the concern? First-time insurance purchasers, especially those living paycheck to paycheck, will be shocked by ObamaCare’s high deductibles: about $3,000 for the silver plan (the most commonly selected) and $5,000 for the bronze plan (the most affordable).

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche