Breaking: New ObamaCare Taxes Revealed
(TownHall) The cost of ObamaCare has been most visible recently in the form of
purchase and coverage mandates, but we should all recognize that there are
explicit taxes scheduled to take effect next year as well.
When a crisis hits, these 37 items will disappear off store shelves within hours... See If You Are Prepared
President Obama has been jerking the insurance companies around with the sign-up deadlines and "un-cancelled plans." The companies might be getting a little retribution.
The New York Post reports that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is putting an explicit line on their form that shows what the Obamacare taxes are costing consumers every month:.
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When a crisis hits, these 37 items will disappear off store shelves within hours... See If You Are Prepared
President Obama has been jerking the insurance companies around with the sign-up deadlines and "un-cancelled plans." The companies might be getting a little retribution.
The New York Post reports that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is putting an explicit line on their form that shows what the Obamacare taxes are costing consumers every month:.
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