Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Russia To Enact Law Prohibiting "Homosexual Propaganda" To Minors

Will wonders never cease? As the United States moves to "normalize" homosexual behavior and marginalize the natural family and traditional morality, Russia appears to be moving in the right direction.

(World Congress of Families) Today, the Russian Duma gave final approval to a bill prohibiting propaganda on "non-traditional sexual relationships" aimed at the young. The bill awaits action by the upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament (the Council of Federation) and signature by the President, but these are considered formalities.

The European Union pressured the Russian government not to approve the bill, which would prohibit homosexual propaganda that encourages promiscuous sexual behavior among minors.

In January, the Duma, initially approved the bill by a vote of 388-to-1 with one abstention. A survey by The Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion showed 86% of the Russian people support the measure.

Still, Eurocrats and the European anti-family left are making threatening noises. Germany’s self-identified, gay foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, has warned that enactment of the law would "complicate the relationship between Russia and Europe." EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, a socialist, is also warning Moscow not to enact the measure.

The law was proposed by the Novosibirsk Oblast regional legislature. Dmitry Sablin of the United Russia Party, a strong supporter of the law, offers an historical perspective: "Russia is a country thousands of years old, founded on its own traditional values, the protection of which is even dearer to me than oil and gas."

World Congress of Families Managing Director Larry Jacobs wondered why the West can enact laws promoting homosexuality and special rights for LGBT groups while penalizing dissent, but Russia can’t prohibit homosexual propaganda targeted at vulnerable youth who should be protected from adult pressure to engage in unhealthy sexual behaviors?

Jacobs noted, "In Washington State, a florist is being sued by the attorney general for refusing to provide flowers for a ‘same-sex marriage’ ceremony. So-called hate crime laws are being used to punish dissent. Allowing homosexuals to serve openly in our armed forces was pushed through a lame-duck Congress. Now the Pentagon is saying that silence isn’t an option – that service members will be forced to affirm homosexual behavior."

"A number of states have passed laws prohibiting minors who want to avoid homosexual behaviors from seeking reparative therapy," Jacobs added. In her speech at World Congress of Families VII in Sydney, Australia, May 15-18, 2013, Dr. Miriam Grossman discussed bans against reparative therapy as another example of the "political correct" speech that promotes harmful sexual behavior and activities to our youth.

Jacobs asked, "Why is the Russian law protecting youth from unhealthy and unwanted adult influences called a civil rights violation by some, but not a law that bans the voluntary counseling of youth who are seeking to make healthier life choices?"

The WCF Managing Director also noted the increased health risks from encouraging promiscuous homosexual behavior among susceptible youth. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, men who have sex with men (MSM) represent 2% of the U.S. population, but accounted for 61% of new AIDS cases in 2009. According to the CDC, other sexually-transmitted diseases are also prevalent among practicing homosexuals, as is depression, and suicide.

A measure similar to the Russian bill is pending in the Ukraine. On May 6, Pavel Parfentiev, WCF Ambassador to European Institutions, participated in a roundtable discussion in the Ukrainian Parliament. The forum adopted a resolution which declared: "Attacks on the family, including propaganda aimed at diminishing family or marriage between a man and a woman and traditional family values should be regarded as a threat to society."

The roundtable also endorsed the Memorandum for the Venice Commission, drafted by Russian and Ukrainian NGOs (including the Family and Demography Foundation), showing that the proposed laws prohibiting homosexual propaganda aimed at youth are fully compatible with international human rights norms.

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1 comment:

  1. Finally, some countries with the balls to stand up for traditional marriage and families.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche