Sunday, June 16, 2013

Palin Slam Gang-Of-Eight Amnesty

In a related story, Palin also slammed the Gang-Of-Eight Amnesty bill presently being debated in the Senate: "Let’s not kid ourselves in believing that we can rebuild our majority... by passing a pandering, rewarding-the-rule-breakers, still-no-border-security, special-interests-ridden amnesty bill."

(National Review) Palin harshly criticized the government over the slew of recent scandals, saying that “in Benghazi, the government lied and Americans died.” She also warned about how the Obamacare implementation would necessitate swelling the IRS’s ranks, saying the government would be “hiring up to 16,000 to 20,000 perhaps-armed IRS agents to implement this act.”

She gave a shout-out to Senator Ted Cruz, whom she enthusiastically endorsed last year, saying that Congress would be better if it went on "cruise control – Ted Cruz control" for a week.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche