Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NSA Chief Confirms Leaker Had Access To Personal Data

File this story away for later because you may eventually hear "experts" tell you that the leaker had no access to personal data...


(WND) The NSA director confirmed to Congress today that leaker Edward Snowden had access to a highly sensitive database containing personal information that could be mined to track a target’s thoughts and actions and possibly predict future acts.

U.S. Army General Keith B. Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency, told the Senate Appropriations Committee that Snowden “had great skills as an IT (Internet Technology) system administrator.”

Alexander’s explanation came in response to a query by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., about how Snowden had advanced to trusted access to a treasure trove of secret NSA information. The 29-year-old had dropped out of high school and failed in his military experience, only to end up working for three months as a Booz Allen Hamilton employee in Hawaii under a contract with the NSA.

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  1. I can understand the necessity of surveillance of personal information to assure national security as a tradeoff for some surrender of personal privacy. I don't mind if they read my emails because I have nothing to hide. However, I DO mind that the government is hiring people who may be ethically and socially substandard to do this surveillance. The "leaker" is a high school dropout as well as a dropout from the army. How did he get a job which should be given only to an ethically sound, stable person. I don't care how great his technical skills are. I object to giving this type of person access to all of my personal information. From ABC news I learned that the government has hired 850 workers with the "leaker's" skills. If there are apparently no standards for employing these high school drop-out types as opposed to individuals with more integrity, I am seriously worried about the safety of my personal data like my bank account! The hiring of personnel like the "leaker" should be based on personal integrity as demonstrated by a solid, ethical background as well as technical skills. This is the reall issue, in my opinion. While they're reading my emails, I hope they read this and get a much needed idea for improving MY personal security by hiring trustworthy personnel to check out my personal data.

  2. I Believe it none of the U.S.A. Governments Elected Officals to spy on the Born and Raised Citizens of this country contrary to the foreign Born Obama. As A Veteran I fought for the freedom of speech, religion, right to Bear Arms, etc., etc that this low life Dictator is imposing upon the citizens of tyhis Once Great Country!! IMPEACHMENT and Criminal Actions need to be imposed on Obama and Holder. Ant Senator or Congressman that doesn't have the BALLs to Impeach these two Crminals needs to be recalled or impeached as well!!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche