Thursday, June 20, 2013

Birth Certificate Vending Machines At Mexican Consulates?

You read that right. Apparently, a member of the Mexican Congress is pushing for the installation of vending machines in Mexican consulates in the United States that would provide illegal aliens with "unfalsified" birth certificates... By the way, how would one go about manufacturing a vending machine that could determine if the birth certificates being given out are not falsified? ... just asking...

(VDare) Another, more famous, member of the Mexican Congress, Amalia Garcia, (who has served as Governor of Zacatecas, leader of her PRD party, congresswoman, senator, and is currently a congresswoman again) is thinking along the same lines.

In what may truly be a Mexican technological innovation, Amalia Garcia calls for the installation of birth certificate vending machines ["máquinas expendedoras"] in Mexican consulates in the U.S.

As reported in the Mexican congressional bulletin:

"In a press conference, she explained that vending machines for unfalsifiable birth certificates be installed in the 50 Mexican consulates in the United States, as they already exist in some states of the country."

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  1. Birth (berth) certificates under Commerce function as Cargo Manifests, as in a ships Manifest listing cargo, as in slave inventory carried in the belly of a Spanish Slave ship.

    Thus, the Corporate of Maritime "Berth" Certificate does not denote a human birth. This is an obfuscation of which few have knowledge.

  2. The proceedure for an aquisition of American constitutional citizenship, is a lawfully constituted process of naturalization. Any Legal obfuscation is relative only to the Corporate Fiction of The Alien Entity of the traitorous "Act of 1871" & District of Columbia. One may be either a lawfully natural born or naturalized citizen. These are the only two bonified forms of human citizenship. Human citizenship was undermined with an introduction of "Legal" or Color-of-Law Corporate Citizenship & Personhood.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche