Monday, December 10, 2012

Jamie Foxx Proclaims: "Kill All The White People... How Great Is That?"

(NewsBusters) "And I got a movie coming out, 'Django,' check it out. Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson. 'Django Unchained' I play a slave. How black is that? And in the movie I had to wear chains. How whack is that? But don't be worried about it because I get out the chains, I get free, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that? And how black is that?"

"But I'm going to tell you right now, speaking of blackness, my President, President Obama is back up in the White House four more years. How black is that? And not only that, he’s so black, he was playing basketball during the Election Day. How black is that? But he was also late for his acceptance speech. Okay, all the white people, this is your turn - how black is that?"

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  4. People, you need to wake-up! I encourage all white people young or old to take heed. I read a book written by Eric Irivuzumugabe with Tracey D Lawrence titled My Father, Maker of the Trees telling how he and a few survived the Rwandan Genocide. I often wondered how such a hideous situation could occur between two different black tribes so to speak in Rwandan. The book is really an eye opener..don't ever think that it could not happen against the white race.

  5. Most blacks are RACIST,people like jamie Foxx,Morgan Freeman,and Haley Berry are prime examples of that!!If a white actor said what Foxx said they'd never work again,they would be black balled,pardon the pun!!!

    1. They better realize that White people know how to use the same weapons they do, however I have a God who watches over me.....

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  6. Heathens will be Heathens...

    1. Heathen: One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.

  7. Your dumb ass on a one-way flight to Kenya! How black is that?

  8. Use your brain people, do not spend one dime to see anything they do. Wake up...

  9. That's right. White people don't have to spend their hard earned money to go watch their movies. Let your wallet speak for you. Stop watching all their movies. Besides you will be a better person for not listening to their filthy mouths spew out their garbage. If every white American stopped paying to see their movies they would go broke, guaranteed.

  10. How white is that, Jamie boy?


Posted By: Chris Carmouche