Friday, August 3, 2012

Caller To Glenn Beck Accuses Harry Reid Of Child Molestation

That's the wild and rather shocking accusation made by a caller to the Glenn Beck Show. But hold on just a minute, another caller to the show followed with an accusation that Reid is also a "pedophile rapist." Are we to understand that Reid molests children as well as those who commit vile acts against children?

Actually, Reid is not a child molester or a "pedophile rapist." In what was obviously a satirical and comical stab at the Senate Majority Leader, it appears that Beck
was using the absurd to illustrate the absurd in reference to Reid's recent accusations that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes in ten years.

According to "Glenn decided to go with it. After all, he was just using Harry Reid’s own standards (i.e. reporting a baseless and idiotic claim as actual fact in front of the American people)."

And Beck most certainly went with it, saying: “So, Harry Reid should answer the charge of being a pedophile rapist. We don’t know. And, you know, Harry, I don’t know anything about your father. So, I have no idea, you know, whether he would be ashamed or embarrassed by you right now, but for the Senate majority leader to crawl through filth like this, the nation you serve is ashamed of you. We’re embarrassed by you and ashamed of you.”

Was Beck right to give Reid a taste of his own medicine or did he cross the line. You can read the rest of the story at but don't forget to give us your thoughts in the comment section below.


  1. Reid is and always was a lying little scum-bag. He only got re-elected because the Las Vegas unions care more about their selfish interests than they do about the country.

  2. It wouldn't surprised me if reid came out of the closet..with that soft, high pitched gay boy voice of his,,Look how he sticks up for the gays,but hates the straight God loving people..Come on out harry,and bring 10 years of your taxes,and the motel reciepts from you and your boyfriend with you..

  3. Irresponsible of Beck to "run with it". Tell the guy to call the police in area where such events occurred, and move to the next call.

  4. Totally appropriate - Glen made it clear what he was doing: making a statement about what the Left is ALWAYS doing: making baseless smears on people.
    Hermans Cain was just one, where the Left also showed their racist attitudes. Romney will get the same treatment- it's how commies work: lies and smears!

    Kudos to Beck for bringing attention to the problem!

  5. Go Beck, goes to show you how the absurd can and does seem to prevail with the Democratic party. November can't come to soon for me.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche