Monday, February 6, 2012

JFK's Mistress Breaks Silence

(New York Post) - She always called him “Mr. President” — not Jack. He refused to kiss her on the lips when they made love. But Mimi Alford, a White House intern from New Jersey, was smitten nonetheless.  She was in the midst of an 18-month affair with the most powerful man in the world, sharing not only John F. Kennedy’s bed but also some of his darkest and most intimate moments.

In her explosive new tell-all, “Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath,” Alford, now a 69-year-old grandmother and retired New York City church administrator, sets the record straight in searingly candid detail. The book, out Wednesday was bought by The Post at a Manhattan bookstore.

In the summer of 1962, Alford was a slender, golden-haired 19-year-old debutante whose finishing-school polish and blueblood connections had landed her a job in the White House press office.

Four days into her internship, she was invited by an aide to go for a midday swim in the White House pool, where the handsome, 45-year-old president swam daily to ease chronic back pain. JFK slid into the pool and floated up to her.

“It’s Mimi, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” she said.

Read The Full Story


  1. Has anyone checked this old lady's mental status? And the mental status of anyone who believes her crazy fairy tale should be checked, also. Is the White House like some desert island with no human presence except that of the President and this wannabe slut? Exactly how could she and Kennedy carry out all of her alleged animalistic orgies with no notice or publication of the news by White House staff? That place is crawling with staff members, some of whom would be and would have been more than willing to sell this juicy story if it were fact. Also, this slut was one busy little hooker if she indeed was ensnaring some poor idiot to marry her while carrying on with Kennedy. This whole story is so ingenuous and stupid, but it's just the kind of fodder designed to captivate media attention and fascinate slow minds with the titillating smell of vomit.

    1. Wow, you sound really mad about this. Are you a JFK worshipper or something?

      Me, I couldn't care less and while a lot of this could be made up, I wouldn't be surprised if some of it is true. President's wives are often off traveling and doing their own thing and few White House staff want to challenge the most powerful man in the world. If they ratted him out, for all we know they could wind up dead. Or at least they could be totally blackballed from society. I find it easy to believe that a lot of people could turn the other cheek to stuff like this.

  2. i hated when somebody who has been dead for so long and then you get somebody to write a kiss and tell book,it one thing to tell when the person is alive but President Kennedy can not give his side of the all about the money is where our culture is now,no respect for the dead,yes i love JFK and after his death i heard some things about him having affairs with marlyn monroe,our country is in a moral decay and i pray to God that he will restore our land and as a christian that we that are called by his name,rent of our sins,and humble ourself to God the great I AM so he can heal our land at least for a season.before you tarnish a person reputation at least do it when they are alive so they can defend thereselves,may JFK rest in peace.

  3. This makes me want to vomate because he was raping her and the men around him put her there and thought nothing about it and what makes it worse he was our President and someone I respected but that has gone out the door.

    Don't forget when she was nineteen (19) it was a totally different world and she was more sheltered than most so she really understand what was happening to her? He said all the right things just as most men or women would say to get their way.

    She knew he was married but he was the President and he was a very strong person and he said the right words.

    There isn't a woman in the world who would want to be front and center about such things and to me I am proud of her to coming forward.

    I know what she is going through because I have been there coming forward about what my brother-in-law did to me many years later and I was called a liar and it was horrible so I support her all the way.

  4. I am proud of this woman for telling the truth about this liver-licking man whore 50 years later. This poor girl just wanted to serve her country and instead wound up blowing everyone in the White House. I salute her for telling us about her sex life at age 19 and I want to hear more details. Lord knows there was also livestock involved during that administration. I'm going to buy the book and hopefully there are some pictures in there. This is America dammit!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche