Monday, February 6, 2012

Behind the Scenes of the Komen-Planned Parenthood Battle

( - As the dust settles on the row between Komen for the Cure and Planned Parenthood, new information is coming to light about the decision-making process that took place when Komen decided in December to changes its grant-making standards in a way that would result in cutting Planned Parenthood funding.

Last week, that decision came to light when Planned Parenthood decided to release the new through a friendly Associated Press reporter, who wrote a one-sided story making Planned Parenthood the victim and starting the process by which the abortion business aggressively attacked the breast cancer charity.

As LifeNews reported, the decision came about in part because Komen hired pro-life former George Secretary of State Karen Handel as its new Vice-President for Policy. While media reports have differed about the level of influence she had on the Komen decision to change its grant policies, the liberal Huffington Post alleges in a weekend story that that was the case.

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe women are turning against women this is so no right I don't have the proper words.

    It makes me sick that this company would do this but again I really am not because everything is the bottom line no matter who life is in danger.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche