Monday, August 22, 2011

Perp Walk Obama Out of the White House

By Lawrence Sellin

If Congress and federal law enforcement agencies will not abide by the Constitution and the rule of law, then ordinary Americans will go to Washington, D.C. and drag that criminal out of our White House.

Read The Full Story


  1. Here's the question: If Obama is not duly qualified to be president by not being a native born American citizen, is he even entitled to the impeachment process? If he is not a natural born American then he, in effect, is not president and can not be impeached. He can, however, be handcuffed and removed to a local jail pending bail or trial. Yes?

  2. "Native" born is NOT the issue ..... "Natural" born is the issue.
    I believe that you are correct in your assessment that Obama CANNOT be impeached .... and I think he knows this. He can, however, be hanged for his multiple acts of Piracy, and possibly for his many treasons.
    Michelle, Pelosi, Reid, and many other can also be hanged for Treason. Virtually every single member of Congress is guilty, by action, or by inaction, including Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Allen West, John Boehner, Wilson ....... on and on it goes.
    Yes, I am ready to march. If I thought I had a chance in Hell, I'd go by myself - but, I'd just be another Right-wing wacko, if I tried to perform a "Citizen's Arrest" on the Usurper Obama.
    I've watched what has been going on, especially the last couple of years - our Nation is Lost, all that is left is for the shooting to start. That is Obama's hope. If he can create 'civil unrest' he can declare Martial Law, suspend the Constitution (instead of just ignore it), and retain the control that Soros is paying for.
    Mark my words, there will be no 2012 elections - if there are, they certainly will not be 'elections' as much as appointments.

  3. i believe best way to arrest BHO is when he goes to townhall meeting in this coming election. let hope he come to arizona, the sheriff is duly sworn to catch criminal which he is. once he is arrested, he has to proof if he is even legal to stay in US. he will have to proof his legal age. why not start this up on tweet and facebook; solicit able body americans show up at his town meeting with handcuff and sheriff can also swear in citizen for citizen arrest warrant on BH Obama.

  4. by the way, lets the news media know the citizen arrest on BH obama is forthcoming at any time. let him dare even come out campaign. he and the others: pelosi, soros, biden, and all the states secretary should be arrested for treason and bribe.

  5. Remember any member of congress and or senate that supported BHO for the presidential nomination should also be removed from office. The citizens need to take control of our government before the UN does.

  6. Everyone who put obama in the White house is guilty of TREASON and should be put in front of a firing squad,the severity of the crime demands it!!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche